Small Daily Steps Move You Toward Health

Her previous pictures looked like she had been dealing with really messy hormones and the lifestyle she described screamed of excess toxins as well as too much stress. I gave her all of the thoughts I had on lifestyle.

The second set of pics revealed a different story. This story was of dumping toxins and taking care of herself as well as reducing stress. I found out that she had been dry brushing since our previous appointment, she had done a liver cleanse, started drinking only water except for the daily coke and she had been dealing with her stress better.

Basically she had turned around her life’s trajectory with a few little changes.

Small Daily Steps Move You Toward Health

The encouragement I’m giving you is that little lifestyle changes make a HUGE difference. Also, that it doesn’t all have to be “perfect” to change. It is better to make some changes as you go than to wait.

Have you been wondering what you look like in thermal imaging? Schedule your appointment today!

What can you start today on getting healthier? Here are some ideas:

  • Sleep - this is a HUGE component to health.

  • Move - Get your body moving. Easy win: Set a timer and walk 10 minutes. When it goes off, walk back. You moved!

  • Eat Nourishing foods - Meat, Fat, Veggies, Fruit - Food can be so controversial (the first sin was around something healthy). Eat Whole Foods.

  • Rest / Pray - Find some peaceful moments (not glued to a device) where you can laugh, pray, find peace and hope.

  • Get in Nature barefoot - the earth’s magnetic force regulates your body and recharges it.

  • Stop putting toxins in.

  • Get the toxins out.

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