Little Lifestyle Changes Make a HUGE Difference

The client in these pictures saw her first set of pictures and decided to clean up her diet, move her body, eliminate sugar, gluten and the other foods she knows are not helping her. This client added dry brushing, deep breathing and yoga to her usual routine.

What a difference! In three months this client went from fairly inflamed with a couple of concerning areas on her breast to much more clear.Had she not seen the before pictures, she would not have known that she needed to pay attention to her breast health and using these pictures, she was able to monitor her health and see the changes over time. Just a few small lifestyle changes made a HUGE DIFFERENCE.

Little Lifestyle Changes Make a HUGE Difference

Some general breast health tips:

Buy a better bra and don’t wear one at night

Ditch your underwire, too tight or constant sports bra usage. True and Co has a great line of supportive, but comfortable bras that will help your lymph flow and your breasts move. You can find an inexpensive version of these bras at target (around $20) or you can find a huge assortment of them online.

Switch your deodorant. If you are using antiperspirant or deodorant with aluminum, and parabens, it’s time to try new things.

Some types to consider:

Primal Pit Paste, Little Seed Farm, Smarty Pits, Native, Schmidts

Clean up your diet. If you stink or deal with lots of sweat in your pits, this tip could help you tremendously. Food is fuel. Once we get the types of food that nourish our bodies right, we can find out that they can not only help us to feel amazing, but they can bring comfort, joy & sweet memories too.

Dry Brush: Your lymph system is like a trash system in your body. Using a dry brush and generally moving toward your heart, lightly brushing the skin will help your lymphatic system move the junk on out. The breasts and armpit region of your body hold 75% of your body’s lymph.

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