Use European Thermography to See Detox Organ Function

Is it possible to see if your detox pathways are blocked? The simple answer is YES.

With other posts you have seen with the infrared camera that the sweat pathway was blocked in the under arm. Still in other posts you’ve seen congested lymph in the neck and even sinuses blocked.

BUT BIG NEWS: With European Thermography you can see how the detox organs are functioning too.

Organ or system function guide: Blue is optimal, Yellow is minimal, orange is moderate and red is severe.

European Thermography - Liver Stress

Slide #1: Liver Stress

We can measure how your liver is functioning. In this pic you’ll see that the client has moderate liver or hepatobiliary stress.

The liver is where the toxins are processed and broken down to be passed out of the system safely or stored in the fat because they are just too hard to break down.

European Thermography - Putrification

Slide #2: Putrification

Why do I talk about poop? Because to get the toxins out you need to be doing it. In slide number two, you’ll see a putrification apparent. This is from a client who poops two times a day and seems to have pretty regular bowels. Just because you poop well doesn’t necessarily mean it’s all moving out well.

European Thermography - Kidneys

Slide #3: Kidneys

Another detox organ. Your kidneys. It’s possible to see how well they are functioning and measure how well you are detoxing and how your lifestyle choices are impacting your health.

European Thermography - Lymphatic System

Slide #4: Lymphatic System

Your lymphatic system, which is the trash truck for your cells, is one of the biggest detox systems. This system takes the junk out of the cells and moves them to exit the body through the urine, feces, breath & sweat.

European Thermography - Toxicity

Slide #5: Toxicity

General Toxicity? Brain toxicity/ Metals? Yep, we can measure those too.

How cool is it to have a tool that can tell you all of this, but also measure your progress as you dump all of the junk?

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