Small Lifestyle Changes Create Health

The client pictured above ROCKED THE THINGS! She is on an adventure discovering what she can do to reduce the signs and possible pitfalls of “aging”.

She had a bone density scan and a rude awakening at the same time. That scan told her that she had not been paying attention to longevity and preparing her body to be strong and graceful as she ages. Her focus has been on building businesses, raising children and enjoying life. You caught that, right? Her focus was in good places, but health (which allows you to enjoy all of those things) was not at the top of her list.

So, she took the recommendations she got from her thermography scan and subsequent practitioner visits and RAN with them. She visited centre for holistic dentistry to work on the inflammation in her dental work. After safely removing a couple of root canals her dental inflammation reduced significantly.

This client also worked with Wild Roots Wellness to address her hormones, gut and toxin load. Wild Roots Wellness consulted with her on the proper order for all of this work.

She worked with Palmer Griffith who works out of East Nashville Chiro to address her sluggish lymph and move the toxins out.

Her before and afters tell the story! Her detox pathways are clearing. Her hormones are balancing and her gut is working the best it has in quite some time. The thing I loved most is that at the end of our “after” appointment she was so excited about the progress but also wanted to know what else she could do to improve even more.

Small Lifestyle Changes Create Health

I love stories like this one. We are the only ones who can take our health seriously. We are the only ones who can do the work. There are so many things we can do that are free and so many amazing practitioners to work with us through the things that possibly need more attention.

What do you think you’ll see in your before and afters? Are there new “basics” you have adopted or are considering adopting?

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