Birth Control Affects More Than Just Your Fertility

The client above is in her 20’s. She has just gotten into a more wholistic lifestyle. She has had an IUD for several years and she is working with a holistic provider. When I saw her first pics, I had actually not ever seen someone that young who looked so busy hormonally. She doesn’t have kids yet but wants them. I was concerned but assumed she would be able to detox from the years of toxic hormones that have kept her period away.

Well, thankfully, she decided to do all of the things and she is indeed detoxing. She took our her endocrine disrupting IUD and she looks so much more balanced and less toxic. Her life is full and she has so much of it ahead of her. Thankfully she is on a path to live that life with a lower toxic burden.

Birth Control Affects More Than Just Your Fertility

Take aways:

Hormonal Birth Control is not the healthiest option. It messes with your hormones, can mess with your libido, your thyroid and can cause a host of other issues.

Even if you have been on it for years, it’s never too late to make changes and increase your health.

If you have been on Hormonal Birth Control, thermography is a great, non toxic way to check out what’s happening in your body.

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