Reduce Stress And Increase Self Care

Progress over perfection!

The client in the above pictures took action after our appointment. She was inspired to Increase oil pulling, dry brushing daily, added in her neck, and really paid attention to her chest/ breast area. She added in elt/alt - 6 sessions with Tonya Machado (at: at the time when we did the scan in December.

She also intentionally increased movement and added in drinking green superfood drinks with a binder to increase nutrition and bind toxins to help them exit the body.

These were all suggestions from our time together and from looking over her first set of pictures. In October all of her progress stopped and her stress increased enormously and has stayed consistent until December.

Reduce Stress And Increase Self Care

When she came in for the second set of pics she was nervous because…life happened. I asked what had happened since our last session and her first response was, “I added a crap ton of stress”. I knew there had to be more positives than that. So I pressed in.

Her life was not perfect, but LIFE IS NOT PERFECT. It is progress. Even if we take a few steps back if we make steps forward…THAT..IS PROGRESS. Seeing these pics is motivating. She felt a little defeated and wasn’t sure what she would see.

She had been feeling better but just wasn’t sure if the stress and lack of attention had harmed her progress. BUT LOOK! So much better. Even with the two-month break on her new habits and lifestyle choices, she still had so much progress.

When she came back in (and her initial stressor resolved), she had such a boost to her confidence that she is inspired to pick the lifestyle choices back up and keep moving forward. This type of imaging is inspirational and motivating.

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