Stress Affects You Even If You Feel Like You Have A Handle On It!

I know there are so many ways to clear your thermography scans. This is just one of the many, but after having hung out with some of the very solid practitioners who use these products, I thought it would be fun to share what I’m seeing.

The client here came in and was feeling tired and was having a very hard time with bowel movements. She was stressed, over worked and not sure what to do next. SHE LOOKS TOXIC. I was basically trying not to panic as I took her pictures because...who really wants to tell a client that their lifestyle is not serving them! I was nervous, but HOPING she would get ANSWERS and make PROGRESS.

She decided to do a foundational protocol with cell core products and came back in to see me when that protocol ended. We were both nervous to see the results but so pleasantly surprised!

Her after pictures tell a story of less stress, more joy, more peace & better bowel movements. Her skin, demeanor and life are saying all of those things too.

Stress Affects You Even If You Feel Like You Have A Handle On It!

You can turn your story around. You can get healthy. Your genes, your situation, your prognosis, your finances, your relationships can all turn around. It will take some hard work and an honest look at the situation. It will take changing the things that got you were you are and a comprehensive approach with a one thing at a time attitude. BUT ...your finances can get on track. Your friendships can be amazing. You can flourish in your business or job. Your parenting and family relationships can be stellar. AND YOU CAN HEAL!

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