Thermography Imaging Services
European Regulation Thermography
"We can finally see what the body is doing before it becomes dysfunctional enough to create an irreversible problem."
— Dr. Schulz-Ruhtenberg, Minden, Germany
What is European Regulation Thermography?
European Regulation Thermography is a functional test based in thermoregulation, your body's automatic processes that work together to maintain a constant body temperature.
The benefit of Regulation thermography is that it captures the performance of your organs, glands, and lymph, showing us where the body is struggling and giving us causal clues to symptoms, all from skin temperature readings.
From immune system challenges, to toxic overloads, to patterns of organ dysfunction, Regulation thermography prioritizes root causes and makes sense of how to strategize treatment.
Understand how this insightful test can give you the information you need to manage your health with a holistic perspective.
About the Procedure:
The test involves taking two sets of temperature readings on your skin at over 100 specific locations, which takes about 25 minutes. The procedure is easy, and (best of all) non-toxic, gentle, and painless.
The test is done standing. We begin by gently taking temperature measurements at specific locations on your face and neck with an infrared temperature sensor. You are then asked to remove your clothing, except for your shorts, so that the remainder of the measurements can be taken on your front and back torso.
The temperature sensor is used to gently touch the skin and take the temperature readings. No electricity or vibrations or anything is emitted into your body. It's an infrared thermal sensor, a sophisticated medical thermometer.
After these initial readings are taken, you then remain standing unclothed in your shorts for 10 minutes. (You will likely feel cool and get the goose bumps.) After the 10 minutes and while still undressed, we take a second temperature reading at all of the same skin locations and conclude the test.
Once the test is completed, the data is then sent electronically to Alfa Thermodiagnostics, Inc. to generate your report.
European Regulation Thermography
During your consultation, we review your report and findings in light of your history and any current complaints. You receive customized guidelines and natural medicine recommendations as well as referrals to local practitioners for therapies or further testing as needed. The report can be forwarded to your physicians and practitioners as well.
Key Organ and Tissue Patterns Recognized by European Regulation Thermography
Signatures for Lyme and Lyme-related infections
Heavy metal toxicity: the lack of detoxification pathways
Pre- and present diabetes and its consequences
Inflammatory conditions frequently causal in many medical conditions
Autonomic nervous system abnormalities
Neoplastic conditions – cancer is not only an end-product (tumor) but needs conditions of the interstitial fluids and matrix that create certain vulnerabilities
Hidden focal infections masked from other testing methods
Gastrointestinal dysfunctions
Dysbiosis and microbiome contributions
Pre- and present breast disease
Pre- and present prostate dysfunction
Cardiac and pulmonary abnormalities Lymph integrity inflammation or stasis
Kidney dysfunction Abnormalities of the thyroid, esp. autoimmune dysfunctions
European Thermography Case Studies
“Amazing Experience! So impressed! Joanna was extremely professional. She was great at helping me feel comfortable and at ease. I left feeling so thankful that I invested in my health with Sozo Thermography! Highly Recommend Joanna!”