Frequently Asked Questions about Thermography

  • No, it does not. Thermography and mammography are different. Mammography uses radiation to detect structural changes like lumps or masses of cells. Thermography looks at the blood-feeding those cells. Thermography is safe, painless and no touch, it takes infrared images with a digital infrared digital camera.

  • Thermal abnormalities related to injuries, physiological changes, inflammation and more. When our physicians evaluate your images, they will assess their significance and comment as to whether they see a low, moderate or high level of significance. They will also recommend a follow-up appointment for further evaluation or to establish a baseline.

  • Yes! A stable baseline can be established on the follow-up appointment. Our interpreting physicians will compare your images from your first imaging to those of your follow up imaging. When they do this, they are looking for signs that the breasts are thermographically stable. When they see this stability, they will recommend that you come back for imaging in one year for an Annual Follow-Up. If they do not see stability, they may recommend further clinical correlation, and another follow up in 3 – 6 months.

  • Thermography does not see cancer. If our interpreting physicians see something that they would consider “thermographically significant” they will give you a strong and intentional encouragement to seek further clinical correlation. “Thermographically Significant” does not mean significant for a specific disease.

  • Really, anyone who is interested in proactively taking charge of their health will benefit from thermal imaging. So many people are focused on disease diagnosis. However, the shift to Health Discovery is a progressive approach for people who value the process of monitoring their health and making lifestyle changes with the guidance of their healthcare practitioners to achieve big results for their health and longevity.

  • Yes! We have many clients who have breast implants.

  • No, you do not. The majority of our clients are self-referred. However, we do have many physicians who refer their patients to us, as they value and understand the benefits of thermographic imaging.

  • With a privacy screen between you and the thermographer, you feel comfortable throughout the appointment.

  • We use a premium camera and software to provide clear and measurable images. The resolution on our camera is 640 x 480. Our camera boasts 340,000 pixels and has the highest quality images for precise interpretation.

  • Yes. Our camera and equipment are portable, allowing us to offer our services in multiple office locations. Our camera only needs a short time to acclimate to the temperature. That means that it doesn’t matter what office we use as long as the room is set to the right temperature and you follow the guidelines, our camera will have accurate temperature readings.