Thermography Services
Infrared Camera Thermography | European (CRT) Thermography | Virtual Consults
Infrared Camera Thermography paints the picture of what is going on in your body currently. With it we can better see how to improve your health!
Infrared Camera Thermography Studies
What you can expect
We take a detailed health history
You will get multiple pictures based on the study you choose
For women, this includes an annual breast study. You get breast health education such as self-breast exam and dry brushing.
After we take pictures, we will review them and discuss lifestyle choices that can improve your health.
You receive a report that includes a full set of images and an interpretation of those images by a certified Physician. This report includes information regarding possible functional changes in the following areas:
Breast & Lymph Study
This study includes 9 pictures total including these areas:
Breast – Lymph Congestion, Dilated Ducts, Hormonal Imbalance, Generalized Inflammation
Chest – Acid Reflux, Chest/Heart/Lungs, Anterior Shoulder Challenges
Breast Study PLUS
This study includes (19 images total) with all of the pictures in the Breast Study PLUS...
Head & Neck – Sinuses, TMJ, Dental, Carotid Arteries, Eye, Neck Pain/Inflammation
Upper Back – Stress/Strain, Injury, immune health
Half Body Study
This study includes (23 images total) with all of the images from the Breast PLUS as well as:
Abdomen – Stomach, Liver, Pancreas, Spleen, Intestines, Female Organs
Lower Back – Pain/Discomfort due to Stress or Injury
Full Body Study
This study (35 images total) includes all of the images from the half body study as well as:
Arms & Shoulders- Pain/Discomfort due to Stress or Injury
Hands- Blood sugar issues, circulation, overuse from phones
Legs & Knees- vericose veins, injury, uneven gait, pain/stress
Feet- Plantar fascia, uneven gate, pain due to stress or injury
European Thermography or CRT
From immune system challenges, to toxic overloads, to patterns of organ dysfunction, Regulation thermography prioritizes root causes and makes sense of how to strategize treatment.
European/ Regulation Thermography
Also known as CRT
The benefit of Regulation thermography is that it captures the performance of your organs, glands, and lymph, showing us where the body is struggling and giving us causal clues to symptoms, all from skin temperature readings.
From immune system challenges, to toxic overloads, to patterns of organ dysfunction, Regulation thermography prioritizes root causes and makes sense of how to strategize treatment.
Combination- Infrared Camera and European Thermography
COMBO appointments with both Infrared Camera and European Thermography give you the most information possible!
You don’t have to settle for just one type of study, you can choose a COMBO appointment and get the best of both worlds at a discount.
COMBO appointment options:
IR Camera Breast Study and European Thermography
IR Camera Breast Study PLUS and European Thermography
IR Camera Half Body Study and European Thermography
IR Camera Full Body Study and European Thermography
Virtual Consultation
Did your thermographer send you home with pictures and a report but never go over it? Did you walk out of your appointment more confused than when you went in?
We hear this all the time. So, we added a new service to take care of that issue. Now Joanna will take time to review your thermograms from other offices and make a Bio individual lifestyle plan based off of those images so you can move toward better health.
“We can finally see what the body is doing before it becomes dysfunctional enough to create an irreversible problem.”