Monitoring Your Health is Imperative When You Have Implants

The client above came in six months ago. She wasn’t feeling bad, she didn’t have many symptoms but she wanted to just see what was happening in her body.

She has had breast implants for the past several years.

After looking at her photos, she decided to get to work to reduce inflammation. She added electrolymphatic therapy with Soma Wellness, cleaned up her diet, got diligent about her supplements and LOOK!

She looks so much less inflamed, she feels so much better than before and it has been a GAME CHANGER for her. I LOVE this tool to monitor your health in general, but having breast implants makes it THAT MUCH MORE IMPORTANT. This will help you to see how your body is dealing with the implants.

If you are on a healing journey, this tool is AWESOME! It is never too late to make lifestyle changes that could completely change your trajectory for the BETTER!

Monitoring Your Health is Imperative When You Have Implants

It Is Possible To Maintain Health Even With Implants


Breast Implant Illness: Implants Can Be A Source Of Inflammation